Tuesday, August 29, 2006

LINKS: Implementing VOIP in the MSNP13 protocol through GAIM

Important readings:


MSNP13 (really good!)

RFC 2778 (description og an standard IM)

SIP? -- a Session based protocol to setup a call and establish the connection. This is not really used for the transport of the VOIP. This is probalby LAW or GSM realted stuff.

Gaim VV This is an old branch of VOIP/Camera part og gaim. Currently it supports VOIP and Camera on Gaim 1.2. The problems of merging it in to the new 2. 0 branch surely lies in the libs. A good clean up and understanding of this software could be of great value of our project. :-)

PhoneGaim Is a branch of Gaim (old verstion) that combines SIP telephony with Instant Messenging (Gaim). This project does not seem to be maintained anymore - and is not merging with the Gaim current GAIM branch.

Farsight is an audio/video conferencing framework specifically designed for Instant Messengers. It aims to provide a code structure that will be able to absorb as many video conferencing protocols as possible. It also offers an interface to those Instant Messengers, allowing them to embed the video feeds and controls into them.

MSN Video conversations

A book about gaim that look pretty usefull.


Blogger hansson said...

Compiling GAIM under GygWin drives me nuts...

12:08 PM  
Blogger hansson said...

Snip from #GAIM on IRC:

(18:17:51) mcr: 1) codec's are not easy to reverse engineer. or 2) they are patented, so you get into trouble (and you don't have to reverse engineer them. the patent explains it all)
(18:18:08) mcr: MS likes patented codecs, because it freezes out open source.
(18:19:39) key2: mcr: what about libmimic, they reversed the video codec
(18:20:52) mcr: I didn't say it was impossible, just not easy. reverse engineering is illegal in the US due to DMCA (and disassembling is definitely illegal under DMCA anti-circumvention rules), so it has
(18:20:56) mcr: to be done elsewhere.
(18:21:12) mcr: convince your colleagues to use google talk.

(18:32:16) key2: mcr: well it basically means that no one could get the audio with msn and a Mac
(18:33:09) mcr: that's a feature, if you are Bill Gates.
(18:33:45) key2: i've seen that they are working on it on the farsight project

7:56 PM  
Blogger hansson said...

After i was driven nuts with compiling under cygwin, I turned to Linux/FreeBSD.
I have had a lot of troubles making it boot from my external USB drive, but it now seems to work. Now I can both boot the same disk as an internal harddrive and as external usbdevice.
(In the process the FreeBSD bootloader managed to delete my windows disk - located on another physical drive. It copied over some empty partitions and the mbr, deleting the existing ones in the process. - fuck shit fuck!!! grrr).
Some kind of bug must exist in the FreeBSD bootloader ^^.

Next is to set up developer environment for GAIM and get the WiFi to work (arrghh - drivers does (ofcause) not compile).

8:04 PM  
Blogger hansson said...

Now it seems to work ... at last. I got my external disk running Linux with wireless on both my laptops. What a hazzle!

12:38 PM  

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